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Norfolk County Trading Standards Service v Bycroft and Ors [2012] EWHC 4417 (Admin) – S 1 PMA – (FA – CPUTR – BPMMR).

- “approximately”, “subject to survey”, “not guaranteed”.
1) 0.4 acres could not reasonably be regarded as approximately 0.75 acres.
2) policy of PMA to protect public from false or misleading statements; legislation not concerned with actual impact of misdescription in individual case.
3) fact that accuracy of a statement is not guaranteed does not answer the question of whether the statement is false.
4) difference between a “disclaimer” and a “qualification” of an asserted fact.
- makes no sense to assert a fact and then disclaim it.
- test of whether a qualified statement is false has to be applied to the statement as qualified.

undefined: unpaid

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